Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Such a wonderful country - Brazil

Bom dia!

How can we describe what we have seen and what we have done? Brazil is beautiful but the people of Brazil are even more beautiful. So warm and welcoming.

This is what we have done since arriving (at 1:00 am):

Thursday, May 17 - Drove from Porto Alegre to Soladade to Passo Fundo (see posts below) and met our families. Had our first Bar-B-Q in Soladade and then in Passo Fundo - but always different meats and dishes. While in Soladade we visited Lodi Preciouos Rocks.

Friday, May 18 - Toured Passo Fundo University - very large and beautiful, Embrapa government wheat research centre, Kuhn Metasa farm implement plant, and a new - to open in one month - BS Bios a biodiesel plant. We then attended the opening of District 4700 Rotary Conference where we were introduced and after attended a cocktail party - and fell into bed at our host homes.
Saturday, May 19 - went to the Passo Fundo farmer´s market where we tasted local fruits, went back to the Conference were we met local artists and musicians and then lunch - a Bar-B-Q. In the afternoon we watched the gaĆ¹cho´s dance to traditional music that told a story. We made our presentation to the Rotary 4700 Conference - it was very well recieved - and we spoke as much Portugese as we could. We then changed into our black dresses and we went to the ball. Wonderful food and music and dancing the samba and all other dances. We danced well into the night(morning) and closed the place with la´bamba.

Sunday, May 20 - we toured the town of Passo Fundo by foot, beautiful architecture and flowers and trees. We met a local crafts person who is making very unique shawls from an old technique. We bought many to bring home to Canada. Then went to a local Rotarian´s home where we had Bar-B-Q. Most homes have a Bar-B-Q pit with skewers. After lunch we went to the top of very new hotel with a view of Passo Fundo and drove through the area to see the houses - both wealthy and needs - but all kept well and the people were busy. Then we went shopping for Brazilian shoes so our feet would be "happy!" We also picked up toys and supplies and visited a local orphanage for older children, Lars Emiliano Lopes where we met the children and very dedicated staff and director. At the end of the day each went home and had a dinner with their host families. A wonderful end to a busy visit in Passo Fundo.

Monday, May 21 - we were picked up by wonderful Rotary Members and driven a short distance, about 70 km, to Getulio Vargas. What a day! We visited a farmers co-operative where they are working together to store and market crops, then lunch - Italian - and then off to the Federal School of Agriculture where we visited with faculty and students, toured their dairy barns, touched our first Pinheiro tree - a tree that only grows in Brazil. We then visited a new up-and-coming university - IDEAU - and met the president. We quickly changed our clothes at Rotarian´s homes - so kind - and then went to a Rotary dinner. They had delayed "Mother´s Day" until we arrived! A wonderful evening - dinner, our presentation with so many questions we were so happy to answer. Then roses and tributes to mothers - and future mothers with roses from a Rotarian florist. We also tasted our first Pinha - the fruit of the Pinheiro tree - toasted. An amazing taste. We then drove to Erechim - about 50 km - and settled into a small and friendly hotel, Alphaville Hotel- at 1:30 am. Another wonderful and full day.

Tuesday, May 21 - we were reunited with our friends who picked us up at the airport - Marlei and Linor. Erechim is a very modern city. We visited a local university - URI - with many programs and with students from elementary, high school, technical programs, Bachelor and Masters programs. We visited a lab doing reaserach on biodiesel and the by-products. We went to a beautiful restaurant for lunch and then had a very needed rest. Later in the afternoon we visted Rei Verde - a manufacturer of a type of "green tea" made from the Erva Mate bush. This is a very traditional drink - chimarrao - that is prepared in a cuia and drunk through a bomba (a metal straw that filters the tea). It is a shared drink that is a little bitter but very refreshing. We then went to a bus factory where they manufactured every kind of bus from small shuttles to very large high deck touring buses. This is a major industry in Erechim. After another short rest we attended a Rotary dinner for all four clubs in Erechim at their local "Friendship House" that was build by the clubs and where they meet. We made our presentation for the third time - again so very well received with lots of questions, hugs and kisses after. We exchanged banners. Another amazing day.

It is now May 23 - our first week in Brazil - and we are off to new adventures today!

Ann & Heather-Anne


Seabright said...

Hey mom and everyone from GSE!

I'm glad to hear you are all having such a wonderful time and doing so many interesting things! Can't wait to hear some more stories and see some more pictures. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

Much love,


JBGoit said...

It looks like you are all having a great time. Love the stories. I'll make sure to share with others in the Club and at NSAC.


Mark said...

Wow! You guys are busy. I hope you can steal a few minutes away to close your eyes and recharge.

Unknown said...

Sounds like an interesting trip. How's the weather down there? I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your updates!

Fred said...

Hi to Nola and rest of the crew,

blog is great , keep in touch

roxb said...

hi Nola - what a fabulous trip! e-mail me sometime with all the goings-on....

cousin rox

Michele said...

Bom dia! Hi to Nolie and team. What a fascinating time you all are having, so exciting, and oh so busy. I love the updates & pics, and check the blog every day for news of your latest adventures. Scott and Mom say hello too. Take care, have fun. BTW, the shawls are just fab!!

Love from home